Littleton Colorado Knee Pain Specialist

Tired of stubborn knee pain that continually keeps you from the activities you love?
Alternative Physical Medicine Clinic offers a personalized approach that goes far beyond temporary fixes. Our team of doctors and joint pain specialists work together to address the root cause of your knee pain, not just the symptoms, providing lasting relief and restoring your joint mobility with our proven knee rejuvenation program.

Don't Let Knee Pain 🚫Stop You...

Don't Let Knee Pain 🚫Stop You...
Back pain is a leading cause of missed work and doctor visits. Among the different types of back pain, lower back pain is particularly troublesome. It can make simple activities, like sleeping, sitting, and walking, very difficult.
Unfortunately, lower back pain is extremely common, affecting people all around the world. In the United States alone, it’s estimated that about 80% of adults will experience some form of lower back pain during their lifetime.
Shockingly, lower back pain is also the leading cause of disability globally. If you’re experiencing back pain, know that you’re not alone, and there are options available to help you manage your pain and get back to your daily routine.

Get a NO‒COST Knee Checkup:

Fill out this form for our no-cost knee consultation. One of our team members will reach out to you to find a time that fits your schedule for your knee checkup/evaluation.
Discover what is going on with your knee, as well as your options:
This form should only be used for general information (ie don't send any detailed/personal health information via this form). All patient‒specific care questions should be addressed during your appointment.

Common Causes of Knee Pain

There are many potential factors that cause knee pain. A solid diagnosis is essential to ensuring that you get the most appropriate & effective care for your condition.
Acute Knee Injury
If you’re regularly active, your knee is constantly working as you go forward, backward, as well as side‒to‒side. It also is engaged when you stop, turn, rotate, and jump.
Osteoarthritis in its many different forms, can cause a lot of knee pain as your joint is robbed of lubrication and cushion and your cartilage breaks down, causing painful and continual swelling.
Ligament Tears
ligaments attach bones to bones and therefore when torn can cause significant joint instability. This instability leads to further wear and tear, or osteoarthritis, when it becomes chronic.
Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Sprain or Injury
The MCL is a ligament tear on the inside of the knee caused by twisting motion or direct impact.
Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) Sprain or Injury
The LCL is a ligament tear on the outside of the knee also caused by twisting motion or direct impact.
Meniscal (Cartilage) Tears
The medial and lateral meniscus acts as two cushions between the two big bones of your knee join. Damage or a torn meniscus can be caused by contact sports.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament injuries (ACL)
A rapid change in direction or an improper landing on a jump may cause ACL tears. This is the most common sports injury.
Posterior Cruciate Ligament injuries (PCL)
A blow to the front of the knee while the knee is bent may cause PCL tears. This injury can be seen in motor vehicle accidents.
Posterior Cruciate Ligament injuries (PCL)
The bursa providing cushioning to your knee. The bursa can fill with fluid and become swollen from repetitive movements, causing redness and sensitivity.

Our Knee Rejuvenation Treatment Protocol

Alternative Physical Medicine is proud to have one of the most effective knee treatment protocols to date for those who suffer from chronic KNEE PAIN and DISCOMFORT.
Our proprietary Knee Rejuvenation Program is designed to handle the underlying knee issues, then stabilize and rebuild your knee joint function and strength so that you can go BACK INTO ACTION doing the things you love to do WITHOUT PAIN.
Consultation and Blueprint built revealing how and why your knee is not functioning properly or not healing.
Detailed and Personalized Action Plan designed to stabilize, rebuild and restore your knee joint & function.
Gentle Knee Decompression treatments to restore proper joint space and increase mobility.
Precise chiropractic adjustments (knee, pelvis) to correct alignment and body weight distribution.
Focused physical therapy focused to increase the natural, pain-free range of motion of the knee joint.

FAQs About Knee Pain

What are three 3 root causes of knee pain?
According to the latest from Johns Hopkins Medicine, one of the country's top research hospitals, the most common causes of knee pain are related to aging, injury or repeated stress on the knee. Common knee problems include sprained or strained ligaments, cartilage tears, tendonitis and arthritis. Because the knee is a complex joint that bears much of the body's weight, it is especially susceptible to both acute injuries and chronic conditions. At our clinic we manage knee pain with regenerative therapies and non-invasive procedures to restore your natural joint function.
Is it better to rest or walk with knee pain?
When dealing with knee pain, deciding whether to rest or walk depends on the cause and amount of your pain. For acute injuries, such as a sprain or ligament tear, as well as a sports injury, it is usually better to rest and allow initial inflammation to occur (letting nature do it work of rebuilding the tissues). However, prolonged inactivity can lead to muscle weakness, exacerbating the problem.
On the other hand, gentle exercise like walking can be beneficial for chronic knee conditions, such as arthritis, because it helps maintain joint mobility, actually helps lubricate the joint, and strengthens the surrounding muscles.
When appropriate, we recommend the use of a supportive device such as a brace or orthotic to provide additional stability during activity, especially after a major injury, or sometimes alongside our joint rejuvenation treatments.
What causes knee pain by location?
The site of knee discomfort can help in the diagnosing of the underlying problem. Discomfort at the front of the knee might result from bursitis, arthritis, or the softening of the cartilage under the patella (knee cap), known as chondromalacia patella. Pain on either side of the knee is often associated with collateral ligament injuries, arthritis, or meniscal tears (more common with accidents or sports injuries).
What are the signs or symptoms of a meniscus tear in the knee?
Meniscal tears do not always show up with symptoms or issues. In certain cases, there can be intense pain and a popping feeling at the moment of injury. In other instances, swelling within the knee joint might take several hours to appear. Based on the severity of pain and fluid build-up, this can make moving the knee challenging.

Occasionally, the swelling may be too minimal to detect, and the individual may not realize they are injured until symptoms manifest later.
Indicators and signs of a meniscus tear include:
A popping sensation at the time of injury
Knee swelling or stiffness
Pain, particularly when the knee is twisted or rotated
Difficulty in fully straightening the knee
A "locked" sensation when attempting to move the knee

If you are experiencing any of these, be sure to schedule your consultation with our physical medicine team. Our holistic approach with our joint rejuvenation protocols is your best chance to heal a torn meniscus without invasive surgery.

Don't Let your Knee Pain to Stop You in Your Tracks...

Contact Alternative Physical Medicine today to learn more about how chiropractic adjustments may help eliminate your back, hip or neck pain.
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